Numpy Dataclasses#

The numpy dataclasses module provides numpy-based implementations of the generic dataclasses used in Anomalib. These classes are designed to work with numpy arrays for efficient data handling and processing in anomaly detection tasks.


The module includes several categories of dataclasses:

  • Base Classes: Generic numpy-based data structures

  • Image Classes: Specialized for image data processing

  • Video Classes: Designed for video data handling

  • Depth Classes: Specific to depth-based anomaly detection

Base Classes#


class, gt_label=None, gt_mask=None, mask_path=None, anomaly_map=None, pred_score=None, pred_mask=None, pred_label=None, explanation=None)#

Bases: _GenericItem[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, str]

Dataclass for a single item in Anomalib datasets using numpy arrays.

This class extends _GenericItem for numpy-based data representation. It includes both input data (e.g., images, labels) and output data (e.g., predictions, anomaly maps) as numpy arrays.

The class uses the following type parameters:
  • Image: numpy.ndarray

  • Label: numpy.ndarray

  • Mask: numpy.ndarray

  • Path: str

This implementation is suitable for numpy-based processing pipelines in Anomalib where GPU acceleration is not required.


class, gt_label=None, gt_mask=None, mask_path=None, anomaly_map=None, pred_score=None, pred_mask=None, pred_label=None, explanation=None)#

Bases: _GenericBatch[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, list[str]]

Dataclass for a batch of items in Anomalib datasets using numpy arrays.

This class extends _GenericBatch for batches of numpy-based data. It represents multiple data points for batch processing in anomaly detection tasks.

The class uses the following type parameters:
  • Image: numpy.ndarray with shape (B, C, H, W)

  • Label: numpy.ndarray with shape (B,)

  • Mask: numpy.ndarray with shape (B, H, W)

  • Path: list of str

Where B represents the batch dimension that is prepended to all tensor-like fields.

Image Classes#


class, gt_label=None, gt_mask=None, mask_path=None, anomaly_map=None, pred_score=None, pred_mask=None, pred_label=None, explanation=None, image_path=None)#

Bases: NumpyImageValidator, _ImageInputFields[str], NumpyItem

Dataclass for a single image item in Anomalib datasets using numpy arrays.

This class combines _ImageInputFields and NumpyItem for image-based anomaly detection. It includes image-specific fields and validation methods to ensure proper formatting for Anomalib’s image-based models.

The class uses the following type parameters:
  • Image: numpy.ndarray with shape (H, W, C)

  • Label: numpy.ndarray

  • Mask: numpy.ndarray with shape (H, W)

  • Path: str


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from import NumpyImageItem
>>> item = NumpyImageItem(
...     data=np.random.rand(224, 224, 3),
...     label=0,
...     image_path="path/to/image.jpg"
... )
(224, 224, 3)


class, gt_label=None, gt_mask=None, mask_path=None, anomaly_map=None, pred_score=None, pred_mask=None, pred_label=None, explanation=None, image_path=None)#

Bases: BatchIterateMixin[NumpyImageItem], NumpyImageBatchValidator, _ImageInputFields[list[str]], NumpyBatch

Dataclass for a batch of image items in Anomalib datasets using numpy arrays.

This class combines BatchIterateMixin, _ImageInputFields, and NumpyBatch for batches of image data. It supports batch operations and iteration over individual NumpyImageItem instances.

The class uses the following type parameters:
  • Image: numpy.ndarray with shape (B, H, W, C)

  • Label: numpy.ndarray with shape (B,)

  • Mask: numpy.ndarray with shape (B, H, W)

  • Path: list of str

Where B represents the batch dimension that is prepended to all tensor-like fields.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from import NumpyImageBatch
>>> batch = NumpyImageBatch(
...     data=np.random.rand(32, 224, 224, 3),
...     label=np.zeros(32),
...     image_path=[f"path/to/image_{i}.jpg" for i in range(32)]
... )
(32, 224, 224, 3)

alias of NumpyImageItem

Video Classes#


class, gt_label=None, gt_mask=None, mask_path=None, anomaly_map=None, pred_score=None, pred_mask=None, pred_label=None, explanation=None, original_image=None, video_path=None, target_frame=None, frames=None, last_frame=None)#

Bases: NumpyVideoValidator, _VideoInputFields[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, str], NumpyItem

Dataclass for a single video item in Anomalib datasets using numpy arrays.

This class combines _VideoInputFields and NumpyItem for video-based anomaly detection. It includes video-specific fields and validation methods to ensure proper formatting for Anomalib’s video-based models.

The class uses the following type parameters:
  • Video: numpy.ndarray with shape (T, H, W, C)

  • Label: numpy.ndarray

  • Mask: numpy.ndarray with shape (T, H, W)

  • Path: str

Where T represents the temporal dimension (number of frames).


class, gt_label=None, gt_mask=None, mask_path=None, anomaly_map=None, pred_score=None, pred_mask=None, pred_label=None, explanation=None, original_image=None, video_path=None, target_frame=None, frames=None, last_frame=None)#

Bases: BatchIterateMixin[NumpyVideoItem], NumpyVideoBatchValidator, _VideoInputFields[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, list[str]], NumpyBatch

Dataclass for a batch of video items in Anomalib datasets using numpy arrays.

This class combines BatchIterateMixin, _VideoInputFields, and NumpyBatch for batches of video data. It supports batch operations and iteration over individual NumpyVideoItem instances.

The class uses the following type parameters:
  • Video: numpy.ndarray with shape (B, T, H, W, C)

  • Label: numpy.ndarray with shape (B,)

  • Mask: numpy.ndarray with shape (B, T, H, W)

  • Path: list of str

Where B represents the batch dimension and T the temporal dimension.


alias of NumpyVideoItem

Depth Classes#



See Also#